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Department of Natural Resources


The Department of Natural Resources is concerned with understanding, managing and conservation of Natural and Urban ecosystems. It was established in 1993 and includes three divisions, including: Environmental Sciences, Range & Watershed Management and Fisheries science.

The department offers undergraduate majors in Range and Watershed Management, Fisheries and Environmental Sciences.

Twelve postgraduate programs have also provided within the department, including three PhD programs in Environmental Sciences majoring Biodiversity, Land use planning and Environmental Pollutions also PhD program in Range sciences and Fisheries and M.Sc. programs in Range Management, Combating Desertification, Watershed Management, Fisheries science in two majors including Aquaculture, Aquatic ecologe and Environmental Sciences in three majors including Landuse Planning, Biodiversity and Environmental Pollutions.

The department has over 25 academic staff, 280 undergraduate and 244 postgraduate students. Laboratories within the department give the students the opportunity to learn spatial and land use planning, soil and water interactions, botany, wildlife research techniques, environmental pollution analyses, fisheries and aquatic ecology and aquaculture.

Research Activities

  • The department research activities are interdisciplinary and mainly focused on range and the watershed management; natural and human environment; and fisheries Science. The research areas committed by the staff are soil and water pollution, environmental impact assessment, landscape ecology, land use planning, wildlife management and conservation biology, Aquatic Biotechnology, Ichthyology, Marine and Fresh Water ecology, Limnology, Fish Physiology, Aquatic Health Management, Range Management, Range Ecology, Geomorphology, Economic, Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Climate Change, Hydrology Drought, Remote Sensing and GIS.


  • Partners

    • University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria
    • University of Copenhagen
    • Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)


The Natural Resources Department Scientific Association with 20 active members is working in the scientific, cultural, practical fields and also convene several seminars and workshops in the related fields at the university.

Honors and Awards

The Department of Natural Resources acted as an official chapter of International Association for Landscape Ecology in Iran (IALE- Iran) since 2012.

Academic Programs

The Department of Chemical Engineering offers Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Master of Science (M.Sc.), Master of Engineering (M.Eng) and PhD degree Programs.

To obtain a B.Sc. degree, students must take at least 136 credits, including 20 general Education, 39 basic, 65 core and 11 elective courses during eight terms of study . You can download the curriculum of Bachelor Degree from here and the Course Description from here

  • MSc Program: To obtain a M.Sc. degree, students must take at least 32 credits during four terms of study. You can download the Curriculum for the MSc program from here and the Course Description from here.
    • PhD Program: The PhD program covers a 4 year period including educational and research phases which ends with writing up the dissertation. The educational phase is 2 years which includes 4 semesters, each 16 weeks. The educational system is credit based and covers 16 hours of lecture for each credit point in each semester. You can download the Curriculum for the PhD program from here and the Course Description from here.

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