One of the steps for globalize a university is to establish linkage with reputable foreign higher education centers via signing MOUs. The IUT International Scientific Cooperation Center is responsible to coordinates international activities and programs on campus; and serves as a liaison between students, faculty, university administration, local government agencies and international partners. It also enjoys a close relationship with many international associations and cooperates in offering services for arranging scientific agreements and issue related to membership in international associations and sabbatical leave.
As a strategic plan IUT has started to increase its international ties with other well-known scientific institutions all around the world in recent years. We have successfully been able to observe a sharp and fast moving increase (7 fold increase since 1999) in the number of agreements signed by IUT and other internationally recognized universities. The aim is to expand our scientific relation through exchange of scientist, faculties and students, offering joint degree programs and conducting joint research projects. Currently, the University collaborates with partners in approximately 18 countries and has signed 56 cooperative agreements or MOUs with various institutions in these countries.
An international agreement is a contractual document which defines a relationship between IUT and a foreign institution which comes after a MOU. In an international agreement resou.rces may committed by each institution to support academic programs, student and faculty exchanges, research collaboration, technical assistance, professional development and similar cooperative activities. ISCO is the unit designated to facilitate and monitor the establishment of all such international agreements between IUT and foreign institutions
IUT and University of Calabria - Italy 2021 for 3 years
IUT and University of Limerick- Ireland 2021 for 3 years
IUT and Lethbridge College - Canada 2020 for 2 years
IUT and Shenzhen Technology University - China 2020
IUT and University of Florence - Italy 2020 for 7 years
IUT and Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM) - Turkey 2019 for 5 years
IUT and Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW - Switzerland 2019 for 4 years


IUT and University of L'Aquila - Italy 2019 for 5 years
IUT and Chinese Academy of Sciences - China 2018 for 10 years
IUT and University of Salerno (Italy) 2018 for 5 years
IUT and University of Brescia (Italy) 2017 for 5 years
IUT and Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) 2017 for 5 years
IUT and Universite de Sherbrooke (Canada) 2017 for 5 years
IUT and ParisTech 2016 Without Limit
IUT and ETH-Zurich 2016 for 5 years
IUT and INFN Italy 2016 for 5 years
IUT and Ulsan institute of South Korea 2016 for 5 years
IUT and Cheikh Anta Diop University of Senegal 2016 for 5 years
IUT and North - Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) 2016 for 5 years
IUT and International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet) 2016 for 5 years
IUT and The École nationale d'ingénieurs de Brest 2016 for 5 years
IUT and Sigma Clermont, France 2016 for 5 years
IUT and Fulda University of Applied Sciences 2016 for 5 years
MSRT and ICTP 2014 for 5 years
IUT and SMART Institute of Kyungsung University, South Korea 2014
IUT and Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France 2014 for 5 years