This group was founded in December 2009 by signing a Memorandum of Understanding between Isfahan University of Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Sharif University of Technology, and Iran University of Science and Technology.
UT5 member universities, as strategic partners in engineering fields, pursue the following goals:
• Providing illustrations on joint international research and technology projects, holding conferences and international educational and scientific workshops based on the research and technology priorities of the member universities through formation of leading groups in each case.
• Obtaining benefits from each other's facilities such as scientific, technological, research, international communication, physical space, etc. in carrying out larger scientific projects at national and international levels.
• Synergizing and benefiting from the advantages of member universities for the development of scientific and technological cooperation at national and international levels.
• Improving the position of the member universities in international rankings on a constant basis.
• Using each other's educational and research capacities, especially for implementation of joint doctoral and postdoctoral courses.
• Offering joint international courses for the member universities to hold classes and supervise master's theses and doctoral dissertations.
• Collaborate in the production of electronic content of engineering courses, present them online and collaborate in providing electronic joint international courses.
• Cooperation in holding engineering retraining courses.
• Cooperation in creating a database of graduates working in Iran and abroad.
• Holding scientific competitions and joint summer and winter schools with prestigious universities and research institutes in Iran and abroad. • Improving and reorganizing legal organizational structures using the experiences of the member universities.
• Having symposiums on increasing educational and technology exchanges, recruiting international students and attracting technological companies.
• Exchanging information and having cooperation on international patenting and its marketing.
• Providing the opportunity to visit laboratories, and research and technology units of the members to pave the way for more joint national and international cooperation. • Cooperation in writing and publishing books and scientific journals at international level.
• Preparing joint brochures to be presented at international exhibitions.
• Obtaining information about the scientific and research needs of the Contracting Parties to the Islamic Republic of Iran through coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and examining joint cooperation strategies with universities and higher education institutions and research centers of those countries and sending delegations from faculty members to visit their universities and research institutes.
• Introducing the foreign delegations of each member university to other members for joint visit and hosting.
• Active cooperation and participation in events organized by each member with scientific, educational, research, entrepreneurship, technology and innovation topics.
• Using each other's facilities to host international delegations.
• Joint hosting of international professors to offer courses as a joint visiting professor.
• International student exchange between member universities.
• Collaborate with academic unions and organizations around the world.
• Collaborating with global technical unions and international academic unions.