Contact information:
Department of Soil Sciences
Isfahan University of Technology (IUT)
Phone: +98 31 33912255
Fax: +98 31 33912254
Department of Soil Science was established in 1983 to address the challenge of developing sustainable soil management for agriculture and environmental activities. Our task is to expand and transfer knowledge for continuous improvement of the research and outreach programs related to soil sciences. This brings improving quality of life by educating and training students for careers in variety of industry, government, and academia. Our full time faculty members are teaching and researching in different fields of soil science emphasizing on environmental shortcomings. The department has relatively well equipped with research laboratories, as well as specialized facilities. The department offers a general BSc degree in soil sciences. At MSc and PhD level programs courses are offered in soil physics, soil chemistry, soil genesis and classification, soil biology and soil environmental sciences. About 20 full time faculties and staff supports a body of about 200 students at different graduate levels.
Soil Science Department has a strong research culture on the basis of the application of fundamental scientific principles and focusing on expanding the understanding of soil and environment. The research includes a range of topics covering Soil Biology, soil Chemistry and fertility, plant nutrition, soil genesis and classification and soil physics.This department also supports a Center of Excellence in Soil Pollution and Human Health and the Soilless Culture research center.

International Partners
This department has established international collaboration with several universities, institutes and scientific centers around the world such as ETH of Zurich (Exchanging Faculty and Students) and EAWAG research center, Switzerland.