IUT President appointed Prof. Peiman Mosaddegh as the Director of the International Scientific Cooperation Center in Isfahan University of Technology (IUT).
IUT President, Prof. Meibodi, announced this appointment of two-year duration based on the excellent records and experiences that Prof. Mosaddegh has had during his academic career, and wished him receiving the grace of God and benefiting from experiences, facilities and capacities in developing and enhancing the purposes of this center.
Prof. Mosaddegh is a PhD graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University, USA, and currently a faculty member and associate professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department in Isfahan University of Technology. He has written books both in Persian and English languages, has several patents, and published remarkable papers in both national and international journals. He also completed his post-doctoral course at the Advanced Materials Research Laboratory in the United States and has a history of conducting several projects with the ETH University of Zurich and ZHAW of Switzerland.