Iranian National Observatory (INO) and Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) invite applicants for 2 joint postdoctoral positions in the following disciplines :
The accepted researchers will study the following subjects :
• Transient Events and Multi Messenger Astrophysics
• Follow Up Observations of High Energy Sources
• Gravitational Microlensing and Optical studies of compact Objects
Iranian National Observatory 3.4m telescope has recorded its first light and is preparing to enter science operation from mid-2023. Successful applicants are expected to take part in the process of planning observations, instrument commissioning, data reduction and analysis and publications of the results. Solid knowledge of the programming languages, numerical and computational methods, and observational skills are useful for the selection process. The positions are funded for 1+1 years with a possibility of an extension for an additional one more year, upon satisfactory performance. Selected candidates according to the research programs will collaborate in the scientific activities in School of Astronomy, Institute for research in Fundamental sciences, IPM, Tehran, the Department of Physics of IUT, Isfahan. They are expected to commute and stay in the INO facilities at Mt. Gargash and its support station as required by their supervisors and line managers.
To apply, please send a letter stating qualifications and background, a CV including the list of publications, a statement of research interests and at least 2 confidential professional references, of which
one should be obtained from the Ph.D. thesis supervisor.
Please send the applications to astro@ipm.ir with a cc to s.shakeri@iut.ac.ir
For further information please contact Amin Farhang(a.farhang@ipm.ir) or Soroush Shakeri(s.shakeri@iut.ac.ir)
The deadline for the application is January 31, 2023.
Please arrange that the recommendation letters to be sent directly to the above e-mails address before the deadline.