Prof. Abideh Jafari was appointed as the head of Swiss Desk at the International Scientific Cooperation Center by Prof. Maibodi, the university’s president.
It is stated in the appointment letter that “regarding your outstanding experience in international relations as well as your significant achievements at CERN, you are appointed as the head of Swiss Desk for a period of two years. We wish you success in developing the university’s international relations which can be achieved through cooperation with research centers and active participation of your esteemed colleagues as well as other academics and the center’s international representatives at various faculties.”
Prof. Jafari is an assistant professor at IUT Physics Department and a dual PhD degree holder from Sharif University of Technology and Vrije University, in Brussel, in the field of Laboratory Fundamental Particles Physics. She has carried out international research activities at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (IPM), Louvain University, CERN and German Electron Synchrotron (DESY).
Prof. Meybodi, the university’s president, accepted Prof. Fakheran’s resignation and in a separate letter expressed his gratitude for all the efforts made by Prof. Fakharen when she was the head of Swiss Desk. She is the former director of the International Scientific Cooperation Center, a co-founder of Swiss Desk at the university and a main founder of International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) Chapter Iran.
Regarding close research cooperation between IUT and Swiss universities, Isfahan University of Technology was appointed as the Swiss National Contact Point in 2017 by the International Scientific Cooperation Center at the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. In order to organize the assigned responsibilities by the Ministry, IUT founded the Swiss Desk which has successfully carried out considerable international scientific activities so far.