15 Faculty Members of Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) are among the Top 2% of Scientists in the World. The Top 2% of Scientists from IUT are: Prof. Dr. Ali Asghar Ensafi, Prof. Dr. Behzad Rezaei, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Seraji, Prof. Dr. Shadpour Malekpour, Prof. Dr. Abdolreza Hajipour, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hossein Mo'meni and Prof. Dr. Fatemeh Davar from the Faculty of Chemistry; Prof. Dr. Keykhosrow Karimi from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Reza Modares from the Faculty of Natural Resources Engineering; Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hossein Enayati, Prof. Dr. Fakhreddin Ashrafizadeh and Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hossein Fathi from the Faculty of Materials Engineering; Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sohankar and Prof. Dr. Mohammad Reza Salimpour from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Prof. Dr. Hossein Farzanehfard from the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
These scientists have been evaluated and selected based on Composite C index and based on the following six indicators.
- Total citation
- H-index
- Coauthorship-adjusted H-index
- Total citation to single authored papers
- Total citation to single+first authored papers
- Total citation to single+first+last authored papers
The International Scientific Cooperation Center of Isfahan University of Technology congratulates this valuable achievement to all these esteemed and honorable professors and wishes them health and ever increasing success.