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In the Scientific Olympiad of the Iranian students, which was held in 2021, the IUT students succeeded in gaining brilliant ranks in their subgroups.

These talented students participate in the Scientific Olympiad along with the national entrance exam for master's degrees and answer the descriptive and conceptual questions of this exam.

In this high-level scientific competition, 16 students and graduates of IUT in the technical and engineering subgroups succeeded in obtaining brilliant ranks of 3rd to 10th. Also, 24 other IUT students reached the final stage of the Olympiad with top ranks up to 36th in their educational subgroups.

It is worth mentioning that educational facilities, including the possibility of admission without entrance exams in higher levels, financial support and scholarships, facilities of the conscription system, and benefiting from the Elite Foundation facilities are granted to the final students of the scientific Olympiad.



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