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Seminar on Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Applications  is one of the seminars sponsored by Iranian mathematical society with emphasis on special topics which holds in different universities in Iran. The Thirteenth of these seminars (DEDS13, 2016) will be held from July 13 to July 15, 2016 in Isfahan and cosponsored by Isfahan University of Technology, Iranian mathematical society and institute for research in fundamental sciences.

The International School on Coputational Physics with the subject of :"Density Fuctional Theory and Beyond Basic Principles and Modern Insights" will be held at Isfahan University of Technology during May 2-13, 2016.

Isfahan University of Technology and the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society jointly organised this school. This school is sponsered by Alexander von Humbolt Foundation, DAAD, ICTP and Iran Science Elite Foundation.

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