Joint academic research projects between the scientists of the two countries will be supported within the framework of the current Cooperation Protocol between TÜBİTAK and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) of Iran.
Related call,
- Engineering;
- Information and communication technologies;
- Material science;
- Energy;
- cognitive sciences;
- Science and society;
- With agriculture and biotechnology
- It is open to project applications in the fields of medical sciences.
Scientists in Turkey who want to propose a joint research project should agree as "project partner" with the researcher(s) working in Iran with whom they will carry out the project together. Unilateral project applications are not accepted.
Detailed information on the bilateral cooperation call, which will remain open between 18 February 2022 and 30 May 2022, can be found here.
Project applications to TUBITAK by the research group(s) in Turkey must be made through the electronic application system .
For further information please visit:
https://international.iut.ac.ir/fa/node/1210 , https://rms.cissc.ir
https://irtu.tabrizu.ac.ir/ , https://rms.nimad.ac.ir/ , https://www.tubitak.gov.tr/