Call for MEGA Program- University of Geneva
The Swiss desk of Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) introduces: “Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance” (MEIG) program.
IUT International Informs all dear professors and students that University of Geneva has been publishing the “Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance” (MEIG) program.
The MEIG Programme, organized by the University of Geneva in cooperation with the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), combines the academic excellence of the University of Geneva, the Centre d’études juridiques européennes and the Global Studies Institute with the expertise of practitioners from diverse international organizations and bodies based in Geneva and Brussels.
- Provide a deep understanding of the political, economic, social and legal aspects of European and International Governance
- Acquire extended knowledge on the functioning of the United Nations, the European Union institutions and the specialized organizations based in Geneva
- Develop competencies to take over executive functions in national or international careers dealing with global issues
Graduate and professional with various backgrounds working or wishing to work in national and European administrations, international and non-governmental organizations, associations and foundations dealing with international affairs, including diplomatic or civil servant of ministries such as Foreign Affairs, Trade, Economy, Finance, Agriculture, Justice and Home affairs
Principal themes:
- Architecture of the EU and European Governance
- Architecture of the UN System and Multilateral Governance
- The European Union and its Role in International Affairs
- Key Skills for an International or a National Career dealing with Global Issues
- Human Rights and Migration
- Peace, Security and Humanitarian Affairs
- Digital Governance
- International Trade & Development
- Health and Environment
- Climate Change
- Agenda 2030 & the Public-Private Partnerships for its implementation
Prof. Christine KADDOUS, Centre for European Legal Studies (CEJE), Faculty of Law, University of Geneva
Philipp HAHN et Margaux BIERMÉ, University of Geneva
In cooperation with the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG)
The programme lasts 10months (from September to July).
The MEIG is structured in 10 thematic and methodological modules followed by an end-of-study project. After two core modules that tackle the functioning of the United Nations system and European Union institutions, the MEIG covers a wide set of thematic fields such as human rights and migration; peace, security, and humanitarian affairs; digital governance; international trade and development; health and environment; climate change as well as the public-private partnership for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The whole programme is taught in English.
The Programme in one year
- To be enrolled as a student in the programme and have to follow the 10 thematic modules in a row. At the end of this period, three months are devoted to either an internship, a professional project or a Master thesis.
The Programme in two years
- To enable participants to continue their professional activity. With this option, the participant selects the modules he/she would like to attend during the first academic year and the ones to be achieved during the second academic year.
Participation in Individual modules
- Participants choose the modules according to their interests. Possibility to attend the module with or without assessment. The participant will receive an official certificate of participation, and if succeeded in the assessment, will also gain the ECTS credits attached to the specific module achieved.
For further information and registration please click here.