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The « Mathematical Summer in Paris » summer school(From July 19th to August 1st 2020) will bring together around fifty young people who are passionate about mathematics and allow them to discover some of its many facets. Lectures by famous mathematicians will cover a wide range of topics. There will also be problem solving activities, mathematical games and cultural visits to discover Paris and its area both from the touristic and the scientific perspective.

Isfahan University of Technology became a member of the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). IAESTE is an international organization that operates exchange programs of students between the member countries to pass internship courses abroad.

Call for Bridging Grant 2019

In order to develop and continue scientific and research collaborations with Switzerland and as a new method to support joint projects, the Swiss Desk together with the ZHAW - the Swiss Leading House of South Asia and Iran, has proposed a call of supporting joint projects between Iran and Switzerland in form of a program called Bridging Grants for 2019.

The Life science Zurich Graduate School is a joint initiative of the University of Zurich and  ETH  Zurich. Twice a year, they recruit young scientists from across the world to their 17 life science programs. Each program offers research and education opportunities for students who wish to work towards a Ph.D degree in any of the life sciences.

The application deadlines are December 1 and July 1.

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