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For the purpose of broadening international interactions and research collaborations between Switzerland and more than 180 countries of the world, the Swiss Confederation grants the Government Excellence Scholarships to the applicants who are qualified to the conditions specified by the executive institution "Federal Commission for Scholarship for Foreign Students – FCS." An acceptance letter from a full-time professor of the university or institution in which they are going to pass their program is necessary for every applicant.

By having a joint plan with the vice-presidency of the state presidency, MSRT provides financial supports for the patents conducted by the students and faculty members worldwide.

Accordingly, it is anticipated that the relevant expenses will be paid up to 90% from the allocated resources through Iranian Patent Office. 

The 1st Organization of Islamic Cooperation Robotics Challenge (ORC) takes place in the UZEXPOCENTRE exhibition center, Tashkent, from 27 to 31 of October, 2019 and is restricted to participants from Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States with ages between 17 and 23 years, in two categories.

  1-  Robo-Sumo (where an autonomous robot should push another robot out of the ring)
  2-  Robo-Football (distance controlled two robots play football on the field)

The ICGEB-DIC-MOST International Fellowship Program (IFP) offers competitive Short-term Fellowships in Life Sciences to highly motivated scientists from the eligible ICGEB Member States wishing to pursue postgraduate research in China. The Program supports the mobility of researchers to prestigious Chinese laboratories for a period of 6 or 12 months, to benefit from the expertise and technologies available in the receiving laboratories.

The purpose of the UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Conservation is to afford recognition to outstanding contributions by individuals, groups of individuals, institutes or organizations who have contributed to environmental and natural resources research, environmental education and training, creation of environmental awareness through the preparation of environmental information materials and activities aimed at establishing and managing protected areas including in relation to sustainable tourism, such as Biosphere Reserves, natural World Heritage sites and UNESCO Global Geopa

In line with the scheme of Japan International Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) on providing scientific solutions to various problems, and through international collaborative research, JIRCAS has announced the Visiting Research Fellowship Program FY2019.

This fellowship particularly focuses on the areas of agriculture, forestry and fisheries; confronting developing countries in various regions of the world.

The deadline for FY2019 is on May 7, 2019.

Seoul National University of Science and Technology(SeoulTech), will held a summer school during July 15~July 26,2019. Application deadline is َApril 30, 2019

The STISS Program provides chances for students to learn basic Korean Language, experience more about Korea and to interact with students from different countries. All expenses except airfare will be covered by SeoulTech.

 How to Apply?

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